Saturday, May 15, 2010


Thursday, January 21, 2010


Great message from God

•God knows all about you and he still loves you. It is hard to believe. If you are a believer in Jesus you have already taken the first step in understanding God's love. The scripture that most people like to quote about that is: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. We are all potential "whosoevers" so we could all come to an understanding of God loving us. God IS in love with you. He wants you to receive that love and really get it inside you to where you don't doubt it but you are fully convinced of His love for you. That might sound hard and impossible to some of you. You think the only way you could get to that point is by being perfect. When God looks at you he sees the perfection of Jesus. Time to stop looking at your faults and shortcomings and start looking at yourself the way He does. If God says He loves you (and He does) then who are you to tell Him he doesn't? Accept and receive His love, read His Word, pray, worship Him, praise Him, and move forward in the things of the Lord , knowing that you are unconditionally loved. Be Blessed!


I really believe this is the best news you could hear from God... that He loves you unconditionally. Yet this hub of mine is the least trafficked of all of mine. To tell you the truth, if only one person viewed this and took it to heart, it would be well worth it to me. The best deal of the millenium and many don't care. The Lord is in love with the people He created. When I say in love, it is hard for many of us to imagine that God could care so much for us; or specifically YOU. Here is the deal; He loves you every moment of the day with an intensity that you cannot fathom. When you blow it, that doesn't change or waiver. He isn't like some people; maybe your mother or father or friends that let you know that if you don't measure up they don't quite care for you today. When you do it their way, then your back on the top of the list. The Lord is not like that at all. Don't put human failures on God. He is perfect all of the time and He loves you all of the time. When you get saved, the Bible says that your name is written in the Book of Life. How many of you have photo albums of loved ones? Especially you parents who have pictures of your kids when they were little. If you are like most parents and you take out your pictures, as soon as you look at the baby pictures, you get the "warm fuzzies" God opens His Book of Life and has that warm feeling too. Now I am taking poetic license here but I want to illustrate to you how God feels about you. This is only a glimpse of His heart. His love goes much deeper than this. His love for us is as the Bible says, "as high as the heavens are from the earth and as far as the east is from the west." Can't measure that can we? (well I can't). Just to be clear, He loves all unbelievers with this intensity as well. But we make the choice whether to love Him back and accept His gift of Jesus who died for our sins. To all the saved and unsaved who read this; God loves you and is calling you to an understanding of that love; so the saved can intensify their relationship with Him and the unbeliever can receive the Lover of their soul. Be Blessed!


Another great message God wants you to know is that His plan for you is a great plan; it was never His plan when you were conceived for you to be a failure, a drug addict, unsaved, etc. He would not leave you without hope. God wants you to know that if you don't have a relationship with Him, that you can; a close personal relationship. Just ask him into your heart to be your Savior and Lord. Get a Bible-there are a lot of free ones. You can also get them cheaply from thrift stores and some churches will give you used ones for free. Some ministries on TV will send you a free Bible as well. Read the book of John in the beginning of the New Testament. Easy to find...Mathew, Mark, Luke, and JOHN. John is God's love letter to you. If you are a saved person and you need to be reminded that God has a great purpose and plan for your life, read your Bible again and pray and ask the Lord to show you his love for you and you will not be disapointed. Maybe you just need to look at the cross and also remember His nail-scarred hands that say to you "I love you and I care for you and I will help are not forgotten!"Just know He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Be Blessed!

God was kind and loving enough to send angels and announce to the shepherds for all of the world to know that He sends a Savior for us to have peace and a relationship with God.

All that God is to us and for us only gets better from this point.

Through Jesus, God is continually reaching out to us with his love. All we need do is accept HIM.

Be Blessed!

This sounds like the simplest message of all. How can I say this is THE Great message from God? You might say," what gives you the right to speak on God's behalf?" The Message to anyone who reads this is that GOD LOVES YOU. Realize this, that His love for you is constant, does'nt waiver, is more intense than you could ever hope for. Even as I write this he is loving you. I would say his love for you is a "verb" because he is actively loving you. He knows everything about you and yet He loves you just the same.That is THE best message to you for today.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Stop the world, I want to get off! What do I mean by that? To me, that means that the older I get and the closer that I get to the Lord, I want less to do with the things of the world. Now don't get the impression that I want to leave this world to go to heaven at this time. I have things to do here and a family and friends and God has a purpose and plan for my life that I desire to continue to fulfill. Does this mean I live without good things? Does this mean that I should sell my home and give all proceeds to the poor? No. That is goofy- at least for my life and what I am talking about. Now if the Lord has told YOU to do that I won't get in your way. However, I believe if the Lord were to say that to you, He would have a plan down the road of blessing for you. I don't think the Lord would "withhold any good thing" from you. If you do give on  His behalf, He will bless you. Right now the Lord has not told me to do something like that. My husband and I tithe and give offerings on a regular basis so I totally believe in that. I also totally believe in giving in big ways. I am just saying that where there are kids involved you should KNOW the voice of the Lord when it comes to giving things like your house away. Now that being said, what I am talking about is living the LIFESTYLE of the world. Can you live like the MTV crowd and walk with the Lord? Doubtful. You can't live a promiscuous lifestyle and live like "hell" all week long and then go to church and expect the Lord to bless you and protect you. Jesus didn't die on the cross so that you could do whatever you want and call it all good and go on your way with the attitude that you can do whatever you want to do. That's just throwing the cross in His face. Disrespecting the cross is what that is. Yes, God loves you immensely,constantly no matter what but that doesn't get you a free pass to be foolish and get into heaven. If you think that you can do what you want and then at the last minute repent and get into heaven; that is "foolisher than foolish" and you will probably die without an opportunity to change things because you will have gotten into a pattern of putting it off and then when the time comes for you to call on the Lord at your last minute, you will be caught unaware. Don't take a chance and wait and be foolish. The secret is that God has a plan for your life that is so much better than anything you could come up with. It would bring you joy and good things. So, take the step now and give your heart to Jesus. Don't be foolish and put it off. If you think you are happy with the way things are; the devil has you deceived up to your eyeballs -at least! Nothing is better than having God in your life. Make a wise decision today. Settle your eternity. Settle you relationship with God and move forward to a great life with HIM. Be Blessed.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Yes, you need to know Jesus by his WORD. What has inspired this post is that I have been reading some posts in the Christian/ Christian Living section on Hubpages where I also write. The person who asked the question, "Does God still speak to His people?" gave her answer which was very knowledgeable and well written. However, the people that answer are another story. Yes, there are some obvious Christians who also answered according to the Word but there were plenty of people that make it up as they go along and their version of God is in some alternative universe.There are also some that obviously hate anything to do with God. They also are not very fond of Christians as a whole. Some of their babble is incredibly ignorant and filled with hate and anger of all things God and yet they can't seem to find anything more in their lives to do than to continue to come back time and time again to give their opinions. My personal thinking on their opinions are that God does not care what you opinion on something is; it is His opinion that matters. Well some say that sounds harsh but,"Hello, He's God. He's right and if you don't have the same opinion as God then guess what? You are wrong." If they can't take that well they can't face the truth. Now when I say this I am not saying God does not care for you because He cares about all that concerns you and He loves you more than you could ever know but that doesn't mean that you get to be right when you are wrong. God is always right and they need to get their opinions lined up with God's Word. Life goes so much better when you think and do things God's way. So why do these people keep coming back day after day?? Good grief, they must be on the computer all of the time. It is very time consuming to read through people's questions and then give your ignorant opinion on who God is. Then they want to pick a fight with believers. Oh Brother! The cooky way of the world. That is why they need Jesus...set their minds free from dumb thoughts all of the time. BE BLESSED

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


You are a most awesome God. Jesus, you are the Bright and Morning Star. There is none like you. You are the Way, the Truth, the Light. No one comes to the Father, but through You. You are Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace. Lord you are adorable, beautiful, everlasting, eternal, amazing, incredible, fantastic. I worship you and praise your mighty name; Jesus. Thank you Lord for all you do for me; for loving me, for taking care of me; for all that you give me. Every good gift and perfect gift is from  the Father above. Praise your holy name. Praise you in the heavens; praise you in all the earth. Let everything that hath breath; PRAISE YE THE LORD!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Can't Get Enough of GOD

If you  love HIM, You can't get enough of God. What do I mean by that? God is with you all of the time and if you are born-again, you have a relationship with Him. He is always with you. So if someone is with you, should you ignore them? You might say, I can't talk to God every second of the day. Well, that's not exactly what I am saying, however, when you are a believer, then you can be mindful of him all of the time. The Holy Spirit is with you, Jesus is in your heart so They should be in your consciousness all of the time. It is good to acknowledge the Lord each and every day. In the morning you can start your day by praying, reading the word, or if you are not a morning person, at least say,"Hello" to Him.That is a better start on your day than nothing at all. My point with this post is; the more you talk to Him, acknowledge Him, the more you want of  can't get enough of God. The more you talk to Him, the more you will begin to hear Him respond to you. It is not that He only "speaks when spoken to," but if you're not mindful of Him, not talking to Him not taking time for Him, then you won't hear what He is saying to you. God wants to communicate with His people, but if  you aren't listening, or you don't believe He will talk to you then you most likely will not hear him. If you are one of those people who have been told God doesn't speak to "regular folk" then you need a mind change. If it is hard for you to believe but you really would like to communicate with God and hear Him talk back, then if you come to Him with a sincere heart to hear from Him, you will hear. God will never speak anything that goes against His Word. He will never tell you He does not love you. He won't tell you to kill someone or anything like that. He will tell you He loves you and to follow Him. He will encourage you to fulfill His will for your life and it won't be something that you are unable to do. If you are an artist, He won't tell you to be a bookkeeper (unless you love both things) He won't tell you to live in a way that goes against His word. The more you reach out to the Lord, the more you'll be blessed with the wonderful gifts He gives to His people. Some of those gifts are; joy, peace, love, hope, faith, etc., Those are just some of the spiritual gifts He gives us. He gives us physical gifts too like healing, financial, relationships,etc. God is a giver. That is His nature; He loves to give good gifts to His People. Let the Lord speak to you and receive what He has to say, trusting that your life will be so much better, fuller, and richer for it.  Once you get into a relationship with the Lord, you will just want more of Him and like the title says, you can't get enough of God. Be Blessed!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Economically Challenged? Tithe!

Yes, these are economically challenging times. I am not an economist nor any kind of financial advisor. So what do I know about economics? Not much there either but I do know about God's laws of reciprocity.Yes God has spiritual laws. One of them is tithing. One Tenth of your income. This is to the believer. Now this is not a pre-payment for God to do you favors. God can't be bought off because guess what...He owns everything anyway. Bill Gates may think it is all his but in the blink of an eye it could all be gone. Same with Donald Trump; what he owns is fleeting and subject to change. If you are one of those church goers that thinks that all of the preachers just want your money and they are continually trying to separate it from you, then your head is in the wrong place. Here is the deal in plain language: Tithing isn't so God can get to your wealth; it is so he can add to your wealth of blessings. Tithing is used for the churches and ministeries to spread the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. It is used to bless other people etc. When a ministry blesses people and gets them saved by way of your money, it is you also getting credit, spiritually speaking. The other spiritual benefit that you get from releasing your money that you want to hold onto so tightly is; you have just taken a step in saying to God that you trust Him with your needs-with your life.You are saying to Him that He is more important than anything else in your life. You are obeying God. The Bible says that obedience is better that sacrifice. Plus, the Bible tells us to tithe- It even says that if we don't tithe we are robbing from God. A God robber. Ouch!  I don't want that to be said of me, do you?  We all need to be reminded. The word also says that God loves a cheerful giver. Proof that you trust the Lord is that you give joyfully.  Don't make the person taking the collections have to pry the money out of your tight fist. Don't let spiritual riggamortis set in. If you give joyfully then joy will follow you  in other areas of your life. You can't put a price on that. Be Blessed!